it's my birthday

it's my birthday

It's my 35th Birthday today!  I’d love it if you’d make it a fabulous one by donating to The Abortion Diary Tour Indiegogo campaign. And you’ll be the one’s getting the gifts on my birthday! Isn’t that awesome?

The Abortion Diary needs your support to stay on the road and continue sharing our stories. $10, $15 or $20 will make a huge difference. And you'll be getting awesome gifts in return (tote bags, zines, wristbands, postcards, uterus prints, and you or your organization can even sponsor a diary entry)!

Please donate  and please spread the word:

Thanks to everyone who has already donated! xoxoxo

Don't forget to share this post!

We can create change together!

With Gratitude,


i never once have regretted it

it was mourning a loss